Market Rate Housing

  • How Do I apply for Market Rate Housing?

    You can apply for Market Rate Housing by downloading the application here, or you may call 507-376-3655 and ask for an application, or you may stop by the office at 819 Tenth Street in Worthington and pick up an application.

  • How Much Do I pay for Rent?

    Market Rate rents are based on individual properties. Rents will vary by property location and size. Contact the Worthington HRA staff at 507-376-3655 for more information on specific properties.

  • Where do I pay my rent?

    You can pay your rent at the Worthington HRA office at 819 Tenth Street in Worthington or you can sign up for Automatic Withdrawal from your banking account. Rent is due by the 10th day of each month.

  • What do I do if I need something fixed in my apartment?

    You can call the office during regular business hours Monday thru Friday at 507-376-3655. Or you can call 507-360-8944 after hours and on weekends if it is an emergency and cannot wait until regular business hours.

Public Housing

  • How Do I apply for Public Housing?

    You can apply for public housing by downloading the application here, or you may call 507-376-3655 and ask for an application, or you may stop by the office at 819 Tenth Street in Worthington and pick up an application.

  • How Much Do I pay for Rent?

    Your rent is based on 30% of your adjusted Gross Income. The Worthington HRA staff will assist with calculating your rent amount.

  • Where do I pay my rent?

    You can pay your rent at the Worthington HRA office at 819 Tenth Street in Worthington or you can sign up for Automatic Withdrawal from your banking account. Rent is due by the 10th day of each month.

  • What do I do if I need something fixed in my apartment?

    You can call the office during regular business hours Monday thru Friday at 507-376-3655. Or you can call 507-360-8944 after hours and on weekends if it is an emergency and cannot wait until regular business hours.

  • What do I do if my income changes?

    If you reside in public housing you must report a change of income to the HRA Office within Ten Days.

Section 8

  • How Do I apply for Section 8?

    You can apply for Section 8 by downloading the application here, or you may call 507-376-9123 and ask for assistance in receiving an application, or you may stop by the office at 819 Tenth Street in Worthington and pick up an application. The Section 8 waiting list is open to applicants with the local preference only, that is those living, working, or, going to school in the five county Jurisdiction/Service Area of the Worthington HRA.

  • What is a payment Standard?

    A payment standard is the maximum amount that the Worthington HRA will pay for your unit, and it is based on the established Fair Market Rents for the county of residence.

  • Can I move and still keep my Section 8 Voucher?

    A Housing Choice Voucher is valid anywhere where there is a Section 8 HCV program. If you are planning on moving please contact the Worthington HRA Section 8 Staff in writing. You will also need to provide a 30 day written notice to your landlord and the Worthington Housing Authority. Portability is based on available funding. For Portability information and questions please contact Deb Thompson at debt@worthingtonhra.com or 507-376-9123.

  • What do I do if I get married, divorced, or have a child?

    If you have a change in your household composition, you must report that change within 10 days to the Section 8 Staff in writing.

  • What do I do if I need something fixed in my House?

    You must contact your landlord.


  • What do I do if I need something fixed in my apartment?

    You can call the office during regular business hours Monday thru Friday at 507-376-3655. Or you can call 507-360-8944 or 507-360-8945 after hours and on weekends if it is an emergency and cannot wait until regular business hours.

  • What is considered an Emergency Maintenance Situation?

    Emergencies are something that poses an immediate threat to: Life, Heath, or Property Damage. An Example of this would be a toilet overflowing onto the floor that will cause property damage if not repaired immediately. Another example would be No Heat in your apartment in the wintertime.

  • If Maintenance repairs something and I am not home how will I know if they fixed it?

    Maintenance will typically leave a note indicating what was repaired at your home.

  • What Do I do if I am locked out of my apartment?

    During regular business hours please call the main office at 507-376-3655. After hours you must contact HRA staff at 507-360-8944 to request your apartment to be unlocked. There is a $25 fee for after-hours service.

  • Will I be charged for repairs made to my apartment?

    Residents are not charged for repairs of items that are normal wear and tear to their apartment. If the damages are caused by tenant negligence or tenant abuse, the tenant will be charged for the cost of the repairs.

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