The Worthington HRA owns and manages 136 units of public housing in Worthington, MN. The units are rent subsidized and are based on the tenant's adjusted gross monthly income. Questions? Please refer to our FAQ page or contact the public housing coordinator, at 507-376-3655. To see our public housing properties click here.
For more information or to download an application click here.
The Worthington HRA owns and manages 66 units of market-rate rental housing in Worthington. Questions? Please refer to our FAQ page or our contact page. To see out Market Rate properties click here.
For more information or to download an application
click here.
The Worthington HRA is authorized up to 269 Housing Choice Vouchers. Eligible families find their own rental unit within the seven-county area served by the Worthington HRA. The counties include: Cottonwood, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, and Redwood. The rental unit must meet Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and the landlord must agree to participate in the program. The Worthington HRA is currently accepting applications to the waiting list from applicants with a local preference only. Local preference is anyone living, working or a full-time student in the seven-county area served. For more information or to download an application click here.
For more information please contact our HCV/Section 8 team at 507-376-9123 or visit our FAQ page.